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Internet World Stats News

Number 027 - June, 2007

G8 Internet Stats

Table of Contents


In this issue please find three new topics related to world Internet usage. The first refers to our new blog where new Internet statistics and updates regarding the Internet will be published daily. This website is a true blog, based on Word Press, where visitors may include comments and opinions.

Secondly, we have new information regarding the G8 Group of countries which met from June 6 thru June 8 celebrated their 33rd yearly meeting in Heiligendamm (Germany). Various important world issues were discussed, specially the Global Warming problem, Aid to Africa, and the Iran nuclear enrichment project.

Thirdly, we comment on several interesting web sites that we have surfed recently and which offer useful resources and tools for Internet Marketing.

Internet Stats Today

The name corresponds to our new blog Internet Stats Today, a new website we have created for posting updates and news regarding the Internet usage statistics.

This website is a true blog, based on the Word Press platform. We are sure that it will become an excellent reference for quickly finding the latest Internet market statistics thanks to the blog features such as archives, the categories, as well as the site search tool. Bookmark this
useful blog for future reference.

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G8 Internet Statistics

The Group of Eight (G8) is an international forum for the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Together, these eight countries represent about 65% of the world economy and nearly 44% of all the Internet users in the world. The other 56% of Internet users correspond to the remaining 235 countries and territories. The Internet penetration rate in the G8 countries is also remarkable, as you can see in the following table:

G8 Countries Internet Usage
June, 2007




(2000 -2007)



67.8 %

73.2 %



50.3 %

262.8 %



61.2 %

110.3 %



51.7 %

133.1 %



67.1 %

83.3 %



19.5 %

803.2 %

United Kingdom


62.3 %

144.2 %

United States


69.2 %

119.1 %



56.9 %

125.6 %

Rest of the world


11.2 %

350.8 %



17.2 %

214.0 %

Source: , accessed on June 10, 2007.
Copyright © 2007, Miniwatts Marketing Group.

For further details, please visit
Internet World Stats

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Recommended Web Sites
for Internet Marketing

The Internet offers powerful tools to help you find the right people to do business with. Use the Internet to connect with them, and close business deals quickly and cost-effectively. The new generation of the so called "Web 2.0 technologies" such as: blogs, Social Network Sites, virtual communities, and all the rest of new networking tools are of much help in marketing.

Research is very important for any company that wants to be successful in the Internet. Yahoo is well aware of this fact and has established its own research website. To keep up with research at one of the most important search engines, visit
Yahoo Research.

Something that is very irritating is the presence of badware in the Internet. We all have seen it happen: you or someone you know downloads something from the Internet that seemed harmless enough. Next thing you know, the computer has slowed to a crawl and pop-up advertising starts to appear out of nowhere. Now there is a web site to defend you from malware. Google is a partner in this program called
Stop Badware Org.

Thank you for reading this newsletter and for visiting our websites.

Kind regards to all,

Enrique de Argaez, PE, MBA,
editor and webmaster
Internet Marketing Research

About this newsletter:
IWS News is a free opt-in newsletter about internet marketing research, published monthly for subscribers. For your personal Opt-in subscription or for unsubscribing, please use this
contact formwith your name and address.

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